Top 10 Home Remedies for Earaches

Ear infections are a problem for infants and children, but they can occur in adults as well. Although they are not an unusual problem, many people are unsure of how to cure an ear infection. The most common type of ear infection is otitis media, which involves inflammation and infection in the middle ear. The middle ear is the space just behind the eardrum that contains the small bones that pass vibrations to the inner ear. When the area becomes filled with fluid, bacteria can get in and cause an infection. This condition occurs more frequently in children because the tubes leading to the middle ear are smaller and can become infected easily. Infections can become quite painful because the buildup of fluids puts pressure on the eardrum, which is why many sufferers want to know how to cure an ear infection. Some infections clear up on their own with home ear infection treatment, but more severe cases, or those that occur in younger children, may require prescription antibiotics to cure the ear infection completely.

Olive Oil

Olive oil can provide fast relief from an earache. Olive oil serves as a lubricant and helps get rid of an infection in the ear. Warm the olive oil slightly and put three to four drops into the ear canal. Olive oil can also be helpful in stopping buzzing sensations inside the ears.


Onion is one of the most readily available home remedies for an earache. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties in onions work well in treating earaches.

1- Crush a fresh onion and wrap it tightly in a piece of clean cloth.
2- Hold the cloth over the infected ear for about five to 10 minutes.
3- Repeat the process several times a day.


Another effective natural earache treatment is radish.

1- Cut one fresh radish into small pieces. Put the pieces into mustard oil and warm it up.
2- Allow it to return to room temperature and strain the oil into a glass container.
3- Put a few drops of the oil into the ear.


Both peppermint leaves and peppermint oil can be used to treat earaches.

1- Put the juice from fresh peppermint leaves in a dropper and then put some drops inside the aching ear.
2- Apply a few drops of peppermint oil externally around your ear. But avoid getting any of this oil inside your ear. If you wish, you can dilute the peppermint oil using olive oil.


Licorice is a great herb that can bring quick relief from earache.

1- Warm some licorice slightly in clarified butter to make a thick paste.
2- Apply the mixture externally around the ear until you notice that your earache is improving.

Bishop’s Weed Oil

The oil of Bishop’s weed is one of the most effective natural cures for earaches.

1- Mix one teaspoon of Bishop’s weed oil with three teaspoons of sesame oil and warm it slightly.
2- Put four to five drops of the oil mixture in the ear.


The analgesic and antibiotic properties of garlic can help relieve pain caused by an ear infection.

Extract the juice out of a few cloves of garlic and put the juice into the ear that hurts.
Another popular remedy is a mixture of sesame oil and garlic. Put one garlic clove in a teaspoon of sesame oil and warm it up. Put a few drops of the mixture into the affected ear.


Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in treating various types of ear infections. It is also an excellent natural painkiller.

Extract juice from fresh ginger and put the juice directly into the ears to get relief from pain and reduce inflammation.
You can also mix one tablespoon of fresh ginger root with one-fourth cup of warm sesame oil. Allow it to cool a bit and then apply the mixture externally around your infected ear.

Hot Water Bottle

Putting moist heat around an infected ear can work as a great pain reliever. Simply wrap a hot water bottle in a towel and press it against the aching ear for a few minutes.

Hair Dryer

Another way to get the effect of moist heat for pain relief is with the help of your hair dryer. After taking a shower or bath, do not towel dry your ears. Instead, use a blow dryer. Keep the dryer setting on warm and hold it slightly away from the ear. Let the warm air dry the moisture in your ear. Do not use the blow dryer for more than five minutes.

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