Natural Home Remedies for Dark Lips

There are many factors that can cause your lips to go darker. One of the main causes of dark lips is sun exposure, other causes like UV rays, allergies, smoking, caffeine intake and hormonal imbalances can result in such ghastly looking lips.

Rosy lips are most important element of a woman and man’s charm which add to their appeal. There is no doubt, naturally rosy and pink lips look visually appealing. There is no time to wear lipstick or lip balms at all times. Many of us shy from public appearances. There are a number of reasons but darker lips are one of the common problems affecting people of all ages. Dark lips can tarnish personal image and can cause embarrassment. However, there are many ways to lighten dark lips. Here are some natural remedies to help and treat lighten dark lips.

1.    Sugar

Sugar is a good exfoliating material that can help you in removing all the dead skin cells from your lips.
  • Make a mixture of granulated sugar (3 tbsp) and butter (2 tbsp). Use this as a natural scrub and gently exfoliate your lips. Practice this remedy once in a week.
  • Mix granulated sugar (1 tbsp) with honey (1 tbsp) and almond oil (1/2 tbsp). Scrub this mixture on your lips to make it soft and lighter. Repeat this every week.
  • You can also make a natural scrub by simply mixing some cold cream with sugar. Use this once in a week.
2.    Pomegranate

Pomegranates can make your lips pinkish and moist. It is one of the best dark lip remedies. It has lots of nutrients that help in nourishing your lips.
  • Crush some pomegranate seeds and add some rose water and milk cream to this paste. Scrub your lips with this mixture for 2 to 3 minutes. Cleanse your lips with warm water.
  • Apply a mixture of pomegranate juice, carrot juice and beetroot juice on your lips. Practice this daily until you get the desired results.
3.    Berries

Strawberries and raspberries can help you to improve the complexion of your lips. It contains lots of nutrients and minerals that can nourish your lips and make them healthy.
  • Make a mixture of raspberry juice (1/2 tbsp), honey and Aloe Vera gel. Scrub it on your lips for few minutes. Wash it off after 10 minutes with some warm water.  Repeat this thrice in a week.
  • Make a mixture of strawberry juice (1 tbsp) and petroleum jelly (2 tbsp). Apply it on your lips 2 times in a day.
4.    Honey

Honey can make your lips moist and pinkish.
  • Every night apply a little honey on your lips. Rinse it off in the morning using some warm water. This can definitely lighten the color of your lips.
  • Make a mixture of gram flour, honey and yogurt (1/2 tbsp each). Apply this mixture on your lips and let it remain for half an hour and then wash it off with warm water. Practice this on a regular basis to get the desired results.
5.    Honey And Almond Oil

Mix honey (1 tbsp) and almond oil (1 tbsp) and rub it on your lips. Leave it on for half an hour before rinsing it off. You can repeat this remedy thrice in a day to get the desired results.

6.    Cream And Rose Petals

Crush some rose petals and make a fine paste. Add some milk cream and honey to this paste and apply it on your lips. Let it remain for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with milk. Following that, cleanse your lips with water.
This remedy can help you to exfoliate your lips and also in making it lighter and reddish.

7.    Lemon And Turmeric

Make a mixture of lime juice and turmeric powder and apply it on your lips. Let it remain for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

8. Carrot or beetroot juice : 

To get instant pink lips, apply some carrot or beetroot juice on your lips before going to bed. Rinse off in the morning, you can see a visible change in the morning.

9. Beetroot

Another readily available ingredient that can help you get pink lips is beetroot. Beetroot has natural bleaching properties that can lighten dark lips.
  • Apply fresh beetroot juice on your lips before going to bed. Wash it off the next morning. The natural red color of the juice will turn your dark lips rosy. Do this daily before going to bed.
  • You can mix equal amounts of beetroot juice and carrot juice and apply it on your lips. Massage gently and leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily for a week or two.
10. Olive Oil:

Olive oil can also be used to make your lips lively and vibrant. Olive oil contains many essential nutrients to nurture your lips and its moisturizing property will make them soft and beautiful.
  • Apply a few drops of extra virgin olive oil on your lips and massage it gently. Do this daily before going to bed.
  • Alternatively, mix one-half teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of extra virgin olive oil. Scrub your lips gently with this mixture once a week. This simple recipe will restore your natural lip color and shine within a month or two.
More Tips to get rid of dark lips:

Always scrub your lips gently. Lips are delicate and forceful scrubbing can damage its skin.
Avoid strong lip glosses and lipsticks.
Before going to bed cleanse off all the traces of cosmetics from your lips.
Before going to bed moisturize your lips with the help of some clarified butter.

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